Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Non-Zimbabwe News

  • Rwanda: The first hearing regarding the transfer of genocide suspects from the ICTR to the Rwandan national courts is set for tomorrow. (At some point I hope to have the time to discuss transitional justice issues such as this more in depth, but for now, keeping up with the news briefs is all I can manage.)
  • Sudan: The country’s national census begins today, in preparations for next year’s elections. The census is a central element to the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) that ended the long-running North/South civil war. However, many refugees from southern Sudan have yet to be repatriated, so the counting is already under dispute. In Darfur, a top UN official is guesstimating that the death toll from the genocide is now around 300,000.
  • Burundi: The renewed conflict between the military and the rebel FNL group has escalated to shelling around the capital, with each side accusing the other of initiating the fighting and breaking the peace agreement.

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