Sunday, April 6, 2008

News: It goes on and on...

  • Zimbabwe: ZANU-PF rejected an MDC offer to form a transitional unity government, stating "We can never collaborate with the MDC given that our political objectives and aspirations are as different as day is from night." Read: As different as authoritarianism is from democracy. Meanwhile, the MDC is appealing to the UN to help prevent violence before the potential run-off election, and British PM Gordon Brown is scheduled to hold private talks with South African President Thabo Mbeki to urge him to take a more active role in resolving the crisis.
  • Sri Lanka: A suicide bomb in Colombo killed a government minister along with 14 others—the government is blaming the Tamil Tiger rebels, who they’ve vowed to “crush” by the end of the year. Over 70,000 people have died in fighting between the government and the Tigers since 1983—mostly civilians caught in the crossfire—and many more have disappeared.
  • Tibet: An interesting WaPo article on “patriotic education” in Tibetan monasteries—Chinese officials conduct 45 days of “lessons,” then make the monks sign a paper denouncing the Dalai Lama.
  • The Genocide Intervention Network is holding a Week of Action for Darfur. Check out their blog for the schedule of events.

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