Monday, April 14, 2008

News: Starting the week off with a bang, and with formatting difficulties

Zimbabwe: Militias of war veterans and others loyal to Mugabe’s ZANU-PF continue their violent tactics against people and communities suspected of voting for the opposition MDC party. And the emergency SADC summit ended with a call for the ZEC to promptly release the results of the March 29 presidential elections. (Much ado about nothing.)

Sudan: In a speech to the Canadian Parliamentary Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, David Mozersky of the International Crisis Group notes the substantive impact of international humanitarian efforts in Darfur, but argues that this is merely “treating the symptoms of the problem, while leaving the causes of Sudan’s multiple wars in tact.” He delineates three changes to international policy necessary for an end to the conflict: A consistent, coordinated international strategy, which has thus far been thwarted by divisions on the UN Security Council (China and Russia); an understanding of the interrelation of the conflicts within Sudan (North/South civil wars, Darfur) and within the region (Chad, CAR, Uganda, etc); costs for non-compliance—backing up the threats made in UNSC resolutions with actual consequences.

Uganda: Rebel leader Joseph Kony reportedly killed his deputy and 8 other commanders after an internal revolt.

DRC: Progress.

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