Friday, April 11, 2008

News: This is the song that never ends...

  • Oh, Zimbabwe…: Mugabe is facing a confrontation at the emergency SADC summit called to address the deepening crisis in his country. He supposedly put together a “dossier” detailing his defense, including claims that the US State Department and other Western governments are sponsoring election fraud to ensure ZANU-PF is defeated. Many organizations are warning of the high potential for pre-election violence in the case of a run-off election; the Institute for War and Peace Reporting states that “there are signs that the Zimbabwean regime will launch a crackdown to ensure victory for the incumbent at all costs.”
  • Uganda: LRA leader Joseph Kony refused to sign the peace agreement. Shocker.
  • Ethiopia/Eritrea: UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon expressed concern at renewed war between Ethiopia and Eritrea if UN peacekeeping troops are withdrawn from the region. He urged the Security Council to resolve the matter quickly, commenting that complete withdrawal could impact other current and future missions.
  • Rwanda: A policeman was killed after an unknown attacker launched a grenade at Rwanda’s genocide museum, on the fifth day of the country’s official week of mourning for the 1994 genocide.
  • Bangladesh: Members of the Islamic Constitutions Movement clashed with police in Dhaka. The ICM is protesting a draft law granting equal inheritance rights to women.

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