Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Tuesday Night News

Darfur/Sudan: Violence continues following the weekend attack on Khartoum by the rebel Justice and Equality Movement (JEM). Already-poor humanitarian and human rights conditions are rapidly deteriorating as the government and allied militias issues reprisals against Darfuris for the attack. Today, UN Secretary General Ban-Ki Moon criticized both the rebel attack and the government’s response, and expressed concern about the security situation along the Chad-Sudan border. Follow the link for an Amnesty International Action Alert calling for the arrest of indicted Sudanese war criminals.

Zimbabwe: South of the Sahara, violence continues as well. Haven’t read enough? Here’s more. U.S. Ambassadors, along with diplomatic teams from several other countries, were harassed by Zimbabwe security forces after visiting victims of post-election violence in a hospital.

Burma (Myanmar): Feeling generous? Click here for a list of aid organizations accepting donations for disaster relief in Burma, and now China, following the massive earthquake. Sadly, in Burma, many of these relief efforts continue to be delayed by the military junta’s reticence to issue visas to the international workers.

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