Thursday, May 1, 2008

Thursday Zim-date: Still Waiting

Representatives for Zim’s presidential candidates meet with the ZEC today to begin the verification process for the presidential election, though unnamed senior officials said that MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai garnered 47% of the vote to Mugabe’s 43%. If this is true—which the MDC refutes—a runoff will be necessary, as a candidate is constitutionally required to receive over 50% of the vote to be declared the winner.

The Guardian (UK) posted a photo gallery of injuries inflicted on MDC supporters by government forces and other ZANU-PF supporters. Drink your coffee before looking at this, folks—don’t make the same mistake I did.

The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) reports that the rejected Chinese ship, with Zim-bound weapons cargo, is still anchored off the coast of Angola, supposedly to refuel before returning to China. The leader of the ITF affiliate in Angola says that his members will refuse to unload any cargo bound for Zimbabwe.

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