Saturday, April 5, 2008

ZimWatch: To Run-Off or Not to Run-Off?

After their politburo meeting yesterday, the ZANU-PF expressed unanimous support for Mugabe and for a run-off election between ZANU and MDC. The MDC, for their part, say that they won an out-right victory, and thus there is no need for a run-off; however, their lawyers were prevented by police from entering the courthouse to file a petition demanding the full release of the election results. They accused Mugabe’s government of deploying militias to intimidate voters and harass the opposition. Meanwhile, South African President Thabo Mbeki told the international community to wait for the release of the election results before deciding on any action. Um, ok Thabo, let’s just give Mugabe even more time to tamper with the ballots, intimidate voters, and otherwise rig the election.

Mr. Mbeki, I hereby dub you "Mugabe Appeaser #1." MA1, for short. Congratulations on being a stellar statesman.

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